Wednesday 18 May 2011

Incredible Hulk poster work in progress.

First look of the Incredible Hulk poster i've been working on, still need to neaten up some of the rough edges and add in the figure of Bruce Banner to the foreground but all in all am pretty happy with how this is turning out so far. Fingers crossed...

Invisible Man book cover idea now finished and ready to view

After taking my sweet time choosing the right kind of text to use and how to apply it i've finally finished off my Invisible book cover idea. I'm pretty happy with this one, probably one of the better ideas i've produced. I'm finally starting to nail down my style and am worrying less about comparing myself to others which is always a good thing.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Work in progress - The Invisible Man book cover

A new work in progress i've been working on for the last couple of days. This one is completely digital as a bit of practice. My pencil has not touched paper once on this one. I'm still working on adding in the lettering now and tidying up the image little bit, take out the rough edges and so on.

Friday 6 May 2011

Hard at work trying to fit in full time illustration with a full time job. Here's some new sketches for anyone and everyone's perusal... Hope people like them, now a mental note to keep updating this damn blog...!